Kerstvis Pictures online and picture request!

We’ve updated the picture section with a Kerstvis 2022 selection that paint a nice picture of what the tradition of Kerstvis is about. Kerstvis is no less than Santa in a more fashionable Elvis costume. If you believe this is wrong, come join us for Kerstvis 2023 on December 24th. Kerstvis spins just about the right amount of wrong music that night!

Next to these new albums popping up these days, we’re always interested in obtaining pictures of shows, parties or just random nights at Rock Café to share through our website. If you have interesting pictures for us, please contact us and we’ll be in touch via e-mail.

I would also like to take a moment here to say a personal word about the website. I think in just a few months I managed to pull together a decent looking website that complements the house style of Rock Café. I speak for myself, but also the owner, bartenders and those that help with the social media accounts of the pub now. We’re all truly grateful for the support and positive feedback we get from our customers and bands that come and play. We’ll try to improve as we go along, and you warm suggestions are highly appreciated, so don’t hesitate to talk to us at the bar! Also, I wanted to remind everyone that our webteam consists of a few regulars from Rock Cafe and a few bartenders who all do this work as volunteers. We always try to get things done as soon as reasonably possible for us, but sometimes other things are more important. Our apologies if you need to wait a bit for our feedback, we’ll get in touch and sort things out!

Lode, Webmaster,
Also in name of Jerre & Bar Crew, Social media crew