Welcome to RockCafeLeuven.be!

Better late than (je)never, the famous Rock Cafe finally has a website! As you might have noticed over the past few weeks we have added more functionality to the website, and we aim to continue to do so in the coming months. Any suggestions and ideas to improve our website are welcome through the contact form or just by talking to us at the bar!

We tried to keep things sober-ish (not too sober, you know how those people are ;-)), mainly looking at functionality. This is why we started with the most basic information, such as our menu, some information about room 66, our events and some pictures. We deliberately did not allow any comments on the website, as to keep it tidy.

Over time we plan to add more pictures and other features, such as a “Rock Cafe Hall Of Fame” where all bands that ever played at Rock Cafe can get their name mentioned.

Occasionally we will also post news on this page, but we’ll also keep on using our Facebook page, so make sure to follow us there too!

See you at the bar soon!

Webmaster (and Rock Cafe piece of furniture) Lode \m/ salutes you!